Monday, August 11, 2008

What About Milk? ...Eggs?

When you think about it, no animal drinks milk past the stage of weaning; is it necessary to drink it our whole lives then? Drinking cow's milk has been known to lead to heart disease, some types of cancers, diabetes, and even osteoporosis! Since it is high in protein, it sucks your calcium from your bones. According to a Harvard Medical School study, milk doesn't show any evidence of protecting you form osteoporosis.

Eating one egg means you just absorbed a disgusting 220 milligrams of cholesterol, which builds up in your arteries and can lead to a heart attack and heart disease.

You can all the calcium you want and need from eating plant-based foods. Fortified soy milk, broccoli, other leafy green vegetables, almonds, tofu, and calcium fortified juices all contain enormous amounts of calcium.


Tuco said...

Hi - nice work on the reasons to go veggie list. I did a post here:

which was my round-up of why I have become vegan. One of my main reasons, and one that doesn't get mentioned as often, is that I really think that the agri-business, and their lobby groups, are pretty evil, and there's no way I'm going to reward them with my money.

Anyway - best wishes, and keep writing!

Salad Shooter said...

thanks!! and thanks for the post!